Hey, If you’re here, that means that you are considering hosting a product therapy. If so, thanks! These events are only possible with the support of individuals and companies like yours. It means a lot.

Event format

Product Therapy events want to be small and intimate. As a result, we generally aim to have around 30 participants. The organizing team may or may not be included in that court, so you can expect up to 35 participants.

After some opening words, the group is split into 4 or 5 breakaway groups. These groups usually have 5 or 6 participants (plus a moderator and a note taker). Group conversations last around 1h-1.5h, after which all participants reconvene in a common area to share takeaways and network.

In general, events last between 2.5-3 hours. You can see the FAQ below for a more detailed agenda.

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Note: as a host, you can invite your employees to attend without too many restrictions. If the number of attending employees greatly overshadows the number of external participants, we would be more than happy to organize an “private” Product Therapy event. You can reach out at [email protected]


Before the event

Preparing the space

Determine which areas where participants can have conversations

Choose the space for networking. Typically, it's the cafeteria or kitchen, but anywhere where participants can congregate and chat before and after the event is great.

Prepare the rooms

Discussion spaces

As stated above, participants are usually split into 5 groups. While that can seem like a lot, attendees don’t need much to be able to participate: in essence, tables with enough seats for everyone and that are far enough apart as to not create a cafeteria effect.

Hosts usually have multiple meeting rooms that are used for group discussions. In which case, cleaning whiteboards and removing any confidential information is the main requirement to make a room ready.

Gathering space

For networking and reconvening, we usually use the cafeteria or the coffee bar. We want to be as respectful as possible, so if any areas are off limits, please say so and we will convey the information to participants.

Other materials and support

Organizers usually have everything needed to run the event, but while not required, offering pens and paper would be appreciated.

Add wayfinding arrows to direct participants to your offices

When participants arrive at your office building, they will need to find your offices. You can find wayfinding arrows that you can print and put along the path to your offices. You are also welcome to use any other methods you usually use.